William Pastor P. Delloro Jr.
Hope Creating District Governor
In 1915, our founder Paul Harris wrote in one of his anniversary messages: “What Rotary will be one hundred years hence, none living can imagine. There is nothing impossible to Rotary now.”
As Past RI President Snedecor said, “Rotary’s strength lies in the sincerity of purpose of its members.” We have the passion and vigor to transform communities. With us working together toward the same vision, our district will stand the test of time.
But I also would like to stress an important aspect of our Rotary life, and that is fellowship. Let us not forget this quote from Paul Harris: “May our happiness increase with our usefulness.” We joined Rotary for a number of reasons, but among these, we find solace, belongingness, and friendship in this organization. After all, Rotary started with that and found its purpose through fellowship. So, my dear fellow Rotarians, let us enjoy as much as we serve.
We have the incredible opportunity to make a difference in the world through our giving to the Rotary Foundation. Our giving allows us to address pressing issues across the globe and significantly improve communities. Our also giving ensures the sustainability of the entire Rotary for years and years to come.
Equally important is being actively involved in projects that align with our values as Rotarians. Willingly dedicating your time and presence to service is substantial enough. No objective can be achieved without it and I thank you all for devoting yourselves to advancing our causes.
As a district, our ultimate goal is to empower and inspire the communities to take action toward progress and resilience. This is why I encourage you to organize and develop our RCCs. This is how we create hope and how we make it last. And to ensure that we continue to make a profound transformation in the communities we serve, let us direct our efforts into our projects that are comprehensive and holistic in all Areas of Focus—disease prevention and treatment, maternal and child health, community economic development, basic education and literacy, peacebuilding and conflict prevention, water, hygiene, and sanitation, and the environment.
Let us continue to give generously to the Rotary Foundation and diligently carry out our responsibilities as leaders.
Together, we can Create Hope in the World!
As we strive to make a lasting impact on our communities, it is crucial that we focus on sustainable high-impact projects. These are the initiatives that not only bring immediate relief but continue on to future generations.
I want you to address key issues faced by our communities to ensure that progress is felt and seen. Let us continue to think outside the box and leverage our technology to develop new solutions that have a long-lasting positive effect. By pooling our resources, knowledge, and skills in our service projects and forging strong partnerships and collaborations, we will be able to create projects that foster resilience in our communities. Ultimately, the strength of our membership is crucial in bringing these projects to life; more hands mean greater capacity to bring about change. Having more members sharing our vision and mission enables us to tackle any challenges, even the most daunting ones.
I want you to address key issues faced by our communities to ensure that progress is felt and seen. Let us continue to think outside the box and leverage our technology to develop new solutions that have a long-lasting positive effect. By pooling our resources, knowledge, and skills in our service projects and forging strong partnerships and collaborations, we will be able to create projects that foster resilience in our communities. Ultimately, the strength of our membership is crucial in bringing these projects to life; more hands mean greater capacity to bring about change. Having more members sharing our vision and mission enables us to tackle any challenges, even the most daunting ones.
Let us also keep in mind that diversity is not just about different backgrounds or cultures; it also involves us fostering an environment where every voice is respected and valued. I ask you to encourage and cultivate a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The spirit of Service Above Self is at the core of everything we do as leaders and unity in diversity becomes our strength as we come together as one Rotary family. With these, we can immensely
Create Hope in the World.
July is a challenging month for all of us. We are at a fundamental phase in our Rotary Year. As we navigate through our new roles, comply with a few other requirements, support our fellow Rotarians,
and develop and implement projects all at the same time, not to mention our personal commitments,
it can all be overwhelming.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment. Another year of service above self, another year of relentless dedication to our communities. Let us continue to serve as inspirations and do our best to
Create Hope in the World!
This year holds enormous potential for us to bring hope to our communities and beyond.